How to Navigate My Library

The My Library section of Document GPS offers a wealth of features designed to enhance your document management experience.

In this article, we will explore the various functionalities available within this section, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to make the most of these capabilities.

My Library

My Library has two main tabs: Documents and Envelopes

Within the Documents Tab, users have a comprehensive view of all the documents they have uploaded, sent, and received. These can be displayed in either a document grid view or a document list view for easy accessibility and organization.



Below is a visual comparison between the Grid view and the List view, showcasing the different ways in which uploaded files are displayed for easy identification.



The global functions include: the Search Box, Sort By, and Avatar Status Indicator

global functions


The Three-Dot Menu: Users can explore a range of Document GPS functions by simply tapping on the three dots located in the upper right corner of a document card.

3 dot details


In the Envelopes tab, users have the ability to organize their files by creating virtual folders using e-tags and envelopes for better file management and navigation within the extension.

For further insight into this feature, we recommend watching our self-paced learning video.

envelopes tab