Document Expiration Feature

The Document Expiration feature is an exciting addition introduced in Document GPS version 4.27. With this feature, the document owner has the ability to set a timer for any document. 


On the upload files screen, document owners can easily set an access expiration for each uploaded document by clicking the clock icon as shown in the image below.

set expiration clear

Setting Expiration Parameters:

expiration date 1

  1. When the user uploads the document and clicks the clock icon, the default expiration is set to 30 days (image 2 above).
  2. This can be edited by clicking the pencil icon as shown in image (3). The edit option features a calendar date selector and an hour selector, along with "Cancel" and "Save" buttons (the latter is inactive by default). Users can choose any date starting from the following day up to one year in the future. 
  3. Additionally, users have the option to select any hour of the day, with the default set to 12:00 PM. The dialog clearly indicates that the selected date will be based on the user's time zone.
  4. Once a date has been selected, the Save button will become active. The Cancel button, on the other hand, simply closes the pop-up without making any changes.
  5. When the user clicks the Save button, the following actions occur:

- The pop-up closes.

- An expiration timer is set for the document.

- The expiration button for the document tile is highlighted, indicating that the expiration has been successfully defined.

Error Handling:

  • In the event of a network issue while setting or updating the expiration, users will receive a standardized error message indicating the problem. The message will read: "Connection lost. Please check your connection." Once the connection is restored, users will see a notification stating: "Connection restored."


  • Setting or updating an expiration date should be quick and seamless, enabling efficient handling of multiple documents with varying expiration dates simultaneously.

Effect on users:

  • When an expiration is set for the document, all users will see a clock-shaped expiration icon on the document tile in "My Library."
  • When a user hovers over the expiration icon, a tooltip will appear, displaying the exact expiration time of the document access in the user's current time zone.

access expires on

What happens when the expiration timer reaches zero?

  • Once the expiration timer for the document reaches zero, all participants will be automatically removed from the document, with the exception of the document owner and any signers who have already submitted their signatures.
  • For each participant removed due to expiration, a unique event labeled “Removed by access expiration” will be recorded in the document's event log, rather than a standard delete event.
  • General Access to the document will be disabled.
  • The expiration setting for the document will be turned off, and the expiration icon will no longer be displayed.
  • The document will function as if no expiration setting had ever been applied.